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Year of the Word





This page last updated 30th June 2021

Sacramental Life of the Parish

The Sacraments are the Church’s way of celebrating God’s presence among his people. They are signs of growth and change experienced at significant moments in a person’s life.  [Because of the pandemic. Sacraments will be celebrated according to the guidelines issued by the Diocese.]

RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS [RCIA] - Any adult who is interested in the Catholic Church may follow a course in the Catholic Faith called RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults).  If interested, please see Fr. Anthony

If you wish to apply please download the application form from  here and return the completed form via email to wembley3@rcdow.org.uk  or place in the “mail box” at the back of the Church.


BAPTISM OF INFANTS: is celebrated on Saturdays or Sundays, by appointment following a course of preparation. For details about preparation courses please see Fr. Anthony.  At least one of the Godparents should be a practising Catholic.

If you wish to apply please download the application form from here and return the completed form via email to wembley3@rcdow.org.uk  or place in the “mail box” at the back of the Church.


FIRST HOLY COMMUNION usually takes place in May or June each year following a course of preparation [starting in October] for both the children [usually every other week during term times] and parents [six meetings].  Children need to be about 7/8 years of age [Year 3 and above].  Those children who do not attend a Catholic School need to attend children’s liturgy for a year before applying to make their First Holy Communion.

If you wish to apply please download the application form from here and return the completed form via email to wembley3@rcdow.org.uk  or place in the “mail box” at the back of the Church.

RECONCILIATION [CONFESSION] - As well as the regular times [Saturday 4.30pm-5.00pm], services of reconciliation are arranged from time to time [Advent and Lent].  Confessions at other times by appointment.  First Reconciliation for children making their First Holy Communion, takes place in Lent.

CONFIRMATION - The minimum age for this Sacrament is 13/14 years [Year 9 or above at school].  The date of Confirmation depends on the arrangements made each year with the Diocese and generally takes place in May or June following a course of preparation which involves a parents/candidates meeting at the start of the course and sessions for the candidates during term time.  An essential part of the course is the week-end retreat.

If you wish to apply please download the application form from here and return the completed form via email to wembley3@rcdow.org.uk  or place in the “mail box” at the back of the Church.

MARRIAGE -  The diocesan regulation is that six months’ notice should be given in order to complete the paperwork and receive adequate preparation.  The couple should also have received the Sacrament of Confirmation.  Marriages are generally celebrated on Saturday in the afternoon by appointment.  For more information please contact Fr. Anthony


ANOINTING OF THE SICK - is a sacrament of healing.  This Sacrament is of great value to those who are gravely ill, facing surgery or who are struggling with the difficulties of old age.  The sacrament is celebrated within a community gathering at special times of the year [Advent, Lent and Summer] or, as needed, with an individual.  If you are sick or housebound, or if you know of anyone who is, please let us know.  If you are in hospital please contact the hospital chaplain.


HOLY ORDERS -  The training in this Diocese for those who are interested in becoming priests takes place at Allen Hall, Chelsea.  

If you are considering the priesthood or religious life, please contact Fr. Anthony